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Vagostim Eliphe CA15

Vagostim Eliphe CA15

83 total reviews

Regular price $31.00 CAD
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Mother tincture and gemmotherapy formula to soothe

Vagostim is a formula in drops based on mother tincture and gemmotherapy to soothe tensions.

Vagostim is indeed composed of buds which will have a strengthening effect on the autonomic sensitivity. This product will thus allow to slow down more effectively the functions of the body.

Thus, the role of Vagostim is to allow you to be more efficient and to find natural automatisms making you save energy, thus making your life more pleasant.

This natural remedy is therefore the phytotherapeutic solution to reinforce your sensitivity system linked to daily rhythms.


Vagostim is composed of 4 ingredients from plants harvested at their youngest age, which is the basis of gemmotherapy, the science of buds and young shoots.

This product has been designed to maximize its potential for use and its beneficial effects on the body, without presenting any side effects. All ingredients have regulatory properties that will have a calming and strengthening impact.

  • The California poppyEscholtzia californica, up to 25%;       
  • PassionflowerPassiflora incarnata, up to 25%;
  • Valerian officinalisValeriana officinalis,up to 15%;        
  • Lime tree buds (glycerine macerate), Tilia tomentosa, up to 35%.



  • Calm the mind
  • Soothe
  • Promote sleep


    10-20 drops after your 2 main meals, in 6 weeks cure.

    Advice for use

    This natural product can be taken directly with a spoon after dosing, or can be diluted in a glass of water, according to your preferences. For people who are nervously sensitive, it is advised to enter the cure gradually.

    As this product is likely to calm the tension, it is not advised for the persons prone to hypotension. If you are taking a hypotensive medication, ask your doctor for advice.

    Not suitable for pregnant women, young children and infants.


    Tinted glass bottle 50 ml with dropper. Contains about 900 drops, so for a 22 - 23 days cure.

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    Customer Reviews

    Based on 83 reviews
    S.B. (Angers, FR)
    bof très bof...

    Cela fait un mois que j'en prends.....strictement aucun effet sur mes insomnies tenaces et autres réveils nocturnes....hélas...
    Peut-être pas assez puissant pour mes problé ne sais pas....
    Je vais tenter les 6 semaines minimales comme indiqué....mais au bout d'un mois je désespère un peu....

    A.G. (Paris, FR)
    Vagostim Eliphe CA15


    Anonyme (Rennes, FR)
    Ca 15

    A amélioré mon sommeil

    Raymonde R. (Ouroux-en-Morvan, FR)
    Vagostim ca15

    Satisfaite de ce produit. Il m'aide à retrouver la détente, le sommeil : ce qui améliore beaucoup d'autres problèmes ... malgré qu'il reste encore beaucoup à progresser !
    Raymonde R.

    J.C.C. (Tours, FR)
    CA 15

    Ce produit est efficace contre le malaise vagal

    J. (Lyon, FR)

    Étant atteinte de la maladie de parkinson ce produit m'est devenu indispensable pour soigner une grosse constipation , je ne peux plus m'en passer.Il est vraiment efficace.

    Dietary supplements should be used as part of a healthy lifestyle and a varied and balanced diet.

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