Hydra+ Eliphe - Organic Sea Buckthorn Oil

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Organic sea buckthorn oil for mucous membranes

Hydra+ du laboratoire Eliphe est une formule composée d’huile de pulpe d’argousier et de graine d’argousier toutes deux certifiées biologiques. Ce produit ne contient aucun autre additif ou stabilisant. L’huile végétale d’argousier bio est très efficace pour lutter contre le dessèchement des muqueuses et le vieillissement de la peau. Elle se distingue par sa richesse en nutriments essentiels, les oméga 3, 6, 7 et 9, ainsi qu’en antioxydants, en particulier les vitamines A et E. C’est la synergie entre les omégas et les vitamines qu’elle contient en grande quantité qui rend cette huile particulièrement active.

Sea buckthorn is a shrub that grows in Europe and whose berries are edible. Its oil is a traditional remedy used since antiquity. The fruit of the sea buckthorn is sometimes called the sacred fruit of the Himalayas, it is a multi-millennial remedy to fight against all kinds of diseases.


The mucous membrane is composed of the same type of cells as the skin. The skin, on the other hand, contains keratin which makes it more resistant. If the cell membranes of the mucous membranes and the epidermis are not properly hydrated, they become damaged and no longer play their protective and transmission role. However, their hydration does not depend on the quantity of water ingested but on the quality of the fatty acids and omegas present in the mucous membranes and skin.

Among the omegas, the most moisturizing are omega 7 (palmitoleic acid and vaccenic acid, among others) which are very present and of very good quality in sea buckthorn oil. Moreover, they are resistant to oxidation.

In our organic sea buckthorn oil, it is the synergy between the pulp oil and the seed oil that produces a unique effect. From an energetic point of view, the seed oil represents the essence of the plant which energizes the pulp oil.


Hydra+ agit sur la peau et les muqueuses pour les protéger du dessèchement et de l’inflammation et les hydrater de la façon suivante :

  • plays an important role in the quality of collagen and elastin in the skin,
  • increases the innate stability of the tissues and produces specific substances for their protection,


  • softens and restructures the skin.
  • improves the impermeability of the epidermis.
  • restores a healthy glow and slows down the aging process.
  • prepares the skin for tanning.


Hydra+est composé exclusivement d'huile de pulpe d’argousier bio et d’huile de graines d’argousier bio.

1,000 mg of product contains:

  • Palmitic acid (omega 7): 28-43 mg
  • Palmitoleic acid (omega 7): min. 25 mg
  • Stearic acid: max. 2 mg
  • Oleic acid (omega 9): 18-30 mg
  • Alpha Linolenic Acid (omega 3): 15 mg
  • Also contains tocopherol (vitamin E) and carotenoids


50 ml miron glass vials with pump system.

Advice for use

Usage interne : comme l’huile est très riche et puissante, Hydra+ s’utilise avec parcimonie. On le prend au moment des repas pour faciliter son assimilation. Nous recommandons 1 000 mg par jour soit 9 pressions de pompe. Un flacon dure environ 35 jours.

External use: rub it directly on the skin and the mucous membranes: mouth, nose, ears, genital sphere and anus. In this case, it can be used pure or diluted in another vegetable oil, at a rate of 1 to 2 pressures for 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil (jojoba or sweet almond, for example).


Hydra+ ispackaged in violet glass bottles, but is best kept in a dark place. In winter, the cold may freeze the oil slightly. In this case, bring it close to a heat source before use.

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